20 Oct 23:59 GMT

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alternative therapies
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gemaperez (0 pts)

7 total concepts
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acupuncture Treatment of pain or disease by inserting the tips of needles at specific p
Algotherapy Medical: Health Care gemaperez 
aromatherapy Medical (general)Medical: Health Care Selcuk Akyuz 
Ayurveda (Sanskrit) an ancient medical treatise summarizing the Hindu art of healing
Cold plunge Medical: Health Care gemaperez 
facial Care for the face that usually involves cleansing and massage and the appli
Fango therapy 矿泥疗法,泥疗法,矿泥浴。一种以温泉矿泥洗浴并包裹全身来放松肌肉,促进循环和消解毒素的疗法。 gemaperez 

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